Thursday 18 January 2018


Today, I learned how to create and use a greenscreen technology. The frame for the green screen was constructed using pipes and two tripods and a green sheet of cloth. We were shown how to create this effect we used the app 'Greenscreen' by Do Ink on Ipad which allows us to use multiple layers to create the illusion of an environment. The recording is in 1080p quality, taken from an Ipad.

The finished clip is made up of the following layers: the background video taken from a plane flying over London; an image of a plane window; and the live action filming. 

We are still considering where we can employ greenscreen tachnology in our work.

The greenscreen setup with the actor

The middle layer image of plane windows
Image of how the greenscreen works

Finished product

1 comment:

  1. A well presented post that explains and illustrates clearly the use of greenscreen technology.
