Treatment:A private detective, recently recovering from the death of his brother decides to take the case of someone who has been murdered in a suspiciously similar way. When leading the investigation he discovers more and more unsettling facts about the circumstances of the death of both his brother and the second victim, whilst discovering more about his brother and the motives of said killer.

I watched a very useful presentation created by FutureLearn, an online MOOC on film making, featuring Frank Ash. To Frank Ash, Creative Consultant to the BBC and beyond, it is important to focus on what the audience would want; what will interest the audience; How will the narrative develop?Listed below is Frank Ash's advice to aspiring film makers:
TOP LINE DEFINITION: "Think about your favourite book or film or any ‘good story’ you recently watched online, could you sum up its narrative into ‘one elegant sentence’ to provide its ‘topping’"
OUR TOP LINE: "After years of grieving over his brother, the killings start again"
BIG QUESTION DEFINITION: "What was its big story question, and how important was it to your appreciation of the text?"
OUR BIG QUESTION: "Will our hero be able to overcome his demons and stop the copycat killer"
- brother's job / history/ field (flashbacks)
- finding doctors records/ old photos/ deeds to house/ travel plans/ bank statements/ medication
- protagonists job (PI)
- adding layer of complexity, that the PI has, (Possibly sibling rivalry (use picture/video of Eoin and Tom possibly voice over 'I was always expected to protect my brother'
+EMOTIONAL MUSIC) - Secret society
- older detective warning him off the case ,

I watched a very useful presentation created by FutureLearn, an online MOOC on film making, featuring Frank Ash. To Frank Ash, Creative Consultant to the BBC and beyond, it is important to focus on what the audience would want; what will interest the audience; How will the narrative develop?Listed below is Frank Ash's advice to aspiring film makers:
TOP LINE DEFINITION: "Think about your favourite book or film or any ‘good story’ you recently watched online, could you sum up its narrative into ‘one elegant sentence’ to provide its ‘topping’"
OUR TOP LINE: "After years of grieving over his brother, the killings start again"
BIG QUESTION DEFINITION: "What was its big story question, and how important was it to your appreciation of the text?"
OUR BIG QUESTION: "Will our hero be able to overcome his demons and stop the copycat killer"
Post in development with a lot more discussed and planned in class this week.