Monday 30 October 2017

PLANNING: Audience Profile

Audiences are often defined by GEARS. After looking at the Exit Poll of films screened to an audience, I noticed that action/thiller films tend to appeal male audience. I believe that my film will be more appealing to a male audience. Exit polls show that 29% of audiences find out about a film by a trailer, the most effective way to convince an audience to see a film is to show a trailer in cinema as it is in the same conditions that the audience would see the film in.

I have created an audience profile for the type of media that my target audience will be interested in. I researched into many Thriller and Neo Noir related film and television, with examples being Strike, BBC Sherlock, Elementary and Blade Runner 2049. This was important as many of these films and TV shows rely on twists and characters making realistic deductions, which are essential for my film to have. My target audience (Millenials) are stereotypically less active, having long working days and going to the cinema whenever they can to appreciate the art form. 

Age Group: 15- 35
Gender: Male and Female (will be predominantly male)

They are likely to watch films/ TV Shows such as Blade Runner, The Girl on the Train and Gone Girl
They are likely to watch TV shows such as BBC Sherlock, Elementary, Strike 
They are likely to play video games such as Heavy Rain
In their leisure time, they are likely to take part in physical activities whenever possible such as going to the gym, reading, playing video games. 
They will use smartphones to check social media as well as apps for Quiz TV programmes and will likely eat at restaurants like GBK or KFC

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